Potential Collision Repair Damages From A Side-Impact Crash


When you think of an auto collision, you likely think of front-end or rear-end collision damage. Side-impact collisions are another type of collision that can occur. They are often referred to as T-bone accidents. These accidents can cause significant damage. Sometimes the damages can be repaired, and there are a number of factors that are used by auto body repair shops to determine whether it is possible. Many drivers have a connection with their vehicles and do not like the idea of a classification of a totaled-out vehicle, but safety is paramount for repair technicians.

8 November 2021

How to Remove Paint Scuffs From Your Car


Have you ever walked out to your car and found paint transfer or paint scuffs on it? If so, another vehicle most likely got too close and the paint from their vehicle rubbed off onto yours. Or, maybe you were backing out of a garage and came too close to the side and the paint from the wall rubbed off on your vehicle. Paint scuffs are frustrating, especially when they are very noticeable on your vehicle.

23 July 2021

Quality Collision Repair Services and Restoration for Your Vehicle


When an accident occurs, it is the responsibility of the collision repair services to restore your vehicle to its pre-accident condition. Car collision repair must be done carefully by skilled and knowledgeable technicians to return a vehicle to roadworthy condition. Automotive collision technicians provide comprehensive customer care and collision repair services, whether dealing with minor dents caused by a minor storm or major dents caused by a road accident. With expert assistance and cutting-edge technology, you will be back on the road in no time, with your car feeling as good as new.

23 April 2021