2 Ways to Protect Your Windshield This Winter


During the winter, you might be more concerned about keeping your car on the road than you are about your windshield. Unfortunately, if you aren't careful, your auto glass can sustain damage that sticks with you all year long. Here are two ways to protect your windshield this winter, so that you don't have any surprises in the spring:

1: Choose Your Scraper Wisely

When you can't find that snow scraper, you might reach for anything to wipe that ice away from your auto glass. In your hurry, you might try to clear off inches of snow with your car keys or credit card. Unfortunately, using the wrong instrument might leave behind scratches that could give water an easy way to penetrate that glass.

Once the surface of glass has been compromised, water can freeze, expand, and create small cracks in your windshield. Unfortunately, the damage won't stop there. Once a crack has developed in your auto glass, chances are good that it will make its way across the entirety of your windshield.

However, you might be able to fend off damage by always keeping a proper ice scraper handy. To avoid misplacing your scraper, always keep it in the same spot in your car or trunk. If you have family members that share cars, write the name of the car where the ice scraper belongs on the actual scraper. For example, you might consider labeling the scraper "red truck" if you have a red truck. That way, you will always be able to reach for your ice scraper when you need it.

2. Use a Snow Shield

Don't you wish there was a way to instantly whisk snow and ice away from your car? Although it might seem like a fairy tale, snow shields take the hit while leaving your auto glass clean and dry. Snow shields come in a wide variety of different materials, but many of them are made from water-resistant cloth. By simply draping this cloth over your windshield at night, you can remove it—and all of the snow that fell overnight—with one fell swoop.

In addition to being incredibly convenient, snow shields can also keep your windshield from being subjected to water over and over again. When ice can't gather on your windshield and window wipers, you might not have as much of a problem with seasonal corrosion.

By taking the time to protect your windshield, you might be able to save a little time and a lot of money.  For more information, talk to a professional like Dale-Way Auto Body Center Corp.


29 June 2015

A New Look

When I graduated from college, I was able to purchase my first car. After much searching for the perfect vehicle, I selected a white sedan. This car has always been special to me because I earned the money to pay for it by myself. I even still own it. However, because it’s 13 years old now, it really needs to be painted. Instead of hiring someone to repaint it white, I’m considering trying something different. I would like to have a professional paint it either black or silver. On this blog, you will discover how to give an older vehicle a new look by hiring someone to paint it a different color.