How To Fix A Flat Tire


A flat tire can ruin your day and throw off your entire schedule. If you can change the tire yourself, then you can save some money and a lot of time that would otherwise be spent waiting around. Here is a step-by-step list of instructions on how to fix a flat tire.

For the following job, you will need the following items:

One pump jack

One tire iron

A spare tire

Wooden block or brick

1 - Start by placing the pump jack under the section of body closest to the flat tire, but don't jack it up. Using the tire iron,  start to take off the bolts holding the flat tire in place. Turn the bolt counter-clockwise and loosen them, but don't take them off. Loosen them to the point where they can still hold the tire in place.

2 - Jack the car up about six or eight inches high, and then place a wooden block or brick in front of the rear tire to prevent it from rolling as you work on it.

3 - Using the tire iron, start to fully unscrew the bolts and remove the flat tire from the car. Make sure that you use two hands when removing the tire, as once it comes off, you will be forced to carry the fully weight of the tire.

4 - Put the spare tire onto the car in the location where the flat tire was. Screw on the bolts you took off by hand until they snuggly hold the tire in place.

5 - Lower the pump jack back down to the ground and then tighten the bolts on the spare tire using the tire iron. Make sure that you don't overtighten the bolts, as you will need to remove them when it comes time to put on a proper tire.

6 - Remove the blocks from the rear tires and remove the pump jack from underneath the car.

7 - Tug on the tire to make sure that it is not loose and the job is complete. You should only drive on a spare tire short distances to enable you to get the car to a professional mechanic garage to have a proper full tire installed. Avoid driving on highways using a spare tire, and if possible, drive with your four-way hazard lights on.

When you get to a mechanical garage, have them install a tire that is the correct size and is compatible with your make and model. For more information, speak with experts like Bowling Green Lincoln Auto Sales.


31 March 2015

A New Look

When I graduated from college, I was able to purchase my first car. After much searching for the perfect vehicle, I selected a white sedan. This car has always been special to me because I earned the money to pay for it by myself. I even still own it. However, because it’s 13 years old now, it really needs to be painted. Instead of hiring someone to repaint it white, I’m considering trying something different. I would like to have a professional paint it either black or silver. On this blog, you will discover how to give an older vehicle a new look by hiring someone to paint it a different color.